He may look old (he is!) but his live performances of poetry delight the young and the young at heart. You can expect works both serious and funny from Banjo Paterson, Oodgeroo Noonuccal, Spike Milligan, Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath and Roald Dahl among many others. And all from memory.
Reviews …
“So many times since last Saturday and as a result of his show, a poem from my past has come unexpected to my mind and surprised me. A very pleasurable experience! Caroline and I have checked with each other and have been pleased to find that we remember as many as we do.”
“Thanks again for such a lovely show last night.”
“That was lovely! I didn’t know I’d missed hearing poetry in lockdown loneliness.”
“[My sister] just rang to say how much she loved the show. We both did. We want more! Tell Alan we thoroughly enjoyed the event. Lovely variety. I was saying many of those poems in my head with him. Can’t beat ABP and Dorothea. A A Milne etc etc. great choices. Can he add ‘The Highwayman’ to his next show?”
“I’m not normally a poem person, but I really enjoyed that! What was the name/author of the “I’m a little teapot” poem he read?”
“It was just a wonderful performance, and on the way home my teenage nephew (who was visiting from the country and is normally happy to sit in front of his Xbox for 15hrs straight) had a long conversation about how the pieces and you’d ordered them, and the performance itself.”